August 2018: Additional Art Parties/Events
2023-04-17T18:10:16+00:00By Kathy Leonardo|Categories: Past Events|Tags: Giant Mouse, Jamie Johnson, performances by Adee Roberson and Anna Luisa Petrisko, 12x12in surfaces, 13th Annual 2018 California Open national juried exhibition , 17th annual Historic Filipinotown Festival , 50 emerging photographers, A Brush With History, Alva Bernadine, analog documentation , Andrew Moeller, art talk, Artist Cory Sewelson, artist Esther Ruiz, artist Jordie Oetken, artist Kim Abeles, arts and culture of Southern Philippines, Audry Gneiser, Austin Williams, Beau Robinson, Ben Jackel, Beth Trepper, Betsy Enzenberger, BG Gallery, Black TED Independent Research Perspectives in the Field, Brandon Drew Holmes, Bruce Sanders, Brynn Alexander, Canadian, Carissa Dorson, Carter Sexton, CAVERNOUS Young Joon Kwak and Mutant Salon exhibition, Chia Schuler, Chip Herwegh, Christine Smith, Claudia Berman, Clinton King, Crux, Culver City, Curated by Chris Davies of Fabrik Projects Gallery, David Hoptman, Dennis Dugan, Dezcjon Lathrop, Diane Cockerill, Diane Fenster, Don Adkins, Donald Paonessa, Dove Ayinde, Duncan Miller Gallery, Elisa Lendvay, Elliot Reed, Emerald Padgett, Eric Michael, Fabrik, Fabrik Projects, FIFTEEN years, Gaijn Fujita, Gallery, Gestalt Projects, Gestalt Projects 144 Space, Giant Robot, GR2, graffiti, haleARTS GALLERY, Heather Gwen Martin, Hermosa, Ina Jungmann, Island of Mindanao, Jake Ziemann, Japanese artist Yosuke Ueno. But Beautiful, Jessie Chaney, Jonathan Ryan, Kim Schoenstadt and Matt Wedel. Rogue Wave Projects, Kopeikin, Kristy Luck, KT Shelton, Kymm Swank, LA Louver, LACE, Larry Chai, Laura Krifka, Laura Schuler, Lauren Welles, Leah Guadagnoli, Lisa Pedersen, Luis De Jesus Los Angeles, Maria Cracknell, Mark Indig, Matt Ehrmann, Matthew Brandt, Maud Piderit, Mazzy, Melrose neighborhood, Meredith Hoffheins, Meryl Skyler, Mezcal El Silencio, Micah James, Michel Riehl, Michelle Victoria, Mike Collins, Mnēmonikos, Mutant Salon members Sarah Gail Armstrong and Dove Ayinde, Natalie Strong, Netherlandish artist TikToy, Nikki Solima, Ocean Park Blvd, painter Astrid Francis, Paul Roustan, Pavel Apletin, performance artworks and installations, Phil America, Phillip Boeltler, photographer Bob Francis, Preston Smith, Quebequois artist Alex Garant, renowned artist Morgan Weistling, Rogue Wave short films , rotating group show EVOLVER, Samantha LeDuc, Santa Monica , Santa Monica Place, Sarah Bouillaud, Sarah Gail Armstrong, Sarah Svetlana, Sarah Tortora, Scott Meskill, Scott Robinson, Scout Dunbar, ShockBoxx Projects, Silver Lake Medical Center Campus, street stunts, Summer Art Series, Summer Exhibition, Suzanne Engelberg, TAG Gallery, Tara Wray, The Bendix Building, The Usual Suspects, Theodosia Marchant, Theresa Daddezio, Think Tank Gallery, Thinkspace, Tiger Strikes Asteroid Los Angeles , Tiny Elephant, Toronto-based, Valley, Vanishing Vernacula, We Stole the Fire, works that experiments with scale, Your Daily Photograph|
====================================== August 3, 2018: Head to Bergamot Station... Duncan Miller Gallery throws an art party for its "Summer Exhibition:" From a selection of over 1,000 images submitted, approximately 50 emerging photographers and their works were chosen for the "Summer 2018: