2023-04-12T04:07:12+00:00By Kathy Leonardo|Categories: Past Events|Tags: evocative paintings , S. Broadway, Bosana Foundation, esthetic, Los Angeles Festival of Photography , public art, “MAJESTIC”, 10-day festival, 2017, 2017 Bosana Foundation Benefit, 8th Annual Bosana Benefit, A.G. Geiger, acro-yoga performance, Additional Events Page, Aida Novosel Savic, Alex Weinstein, Amy Kaps, and small artworks dnj Gallery, Andy Warhol, Angel City Brewery, April art parties, architecture, Art critic Peter Frank , Art Share L.A., artist, artist talk, artists, Associate Curator, Auction Preview, bahn mi, Beer on tap, Bender, Benjamino Bufano, Bergamot Café, Berlin Wall artist, best art events, best events, Beverly Blvd., Beyond the Lines, BG Gallery, Building Bridges Art Exchange , Carolyn M. Campbell, Central and Alameda, Charles Peck, Chaya Czernowin, Chelsea Cody, Chris Davies, Chris Duque, Christine Sawicky, Chung King Road. Juri Koll, City Garage Theatre. Surrealist games, Clayton Campbell, Clemens Gadenstätter, collaborative projects, composer/performer collective, composers, conceptual diversity, Contemporary Art, contemporary musicians, Contemporary Surrealist Works, Corey Deshon, Craig Krull Gallery, cutout street art bunnies, dance performances, Daniel Leighton, David Broome, Day Dreamers, design, Dessert Bar, DJ Jonathan Williams, dnj Gallery, Don Quixote, Donald Paonessa, DOSSHAUS, Downtown Art Walk, downtown Los Angeles , DTLA Arts District., Duncan Miller, Edmund Teske, Elena Mary Siff, Em Wafer , Ensemble Pamplemousse, ensembles, environmental, Erica Entrop, Eva Hassmann, event selection, exhibitions, experimental architecture, experimental bands, Expo Contemporary , EXPO Contemporary Fair , Expo stop, F REE family friendly event, Fabrik, Fabrik Media, fashion designer, Filmmaker Corey Burns, FOOD/BEVERAGE, Free Art Events, Frozen Yogurt, fun photo ops, fundraiser, Gabba Gallery , gallery exhibitions, Gallery of Functional Art, gallery tours, Gary Brewer, Grand Opening, GT's Kombucha Kombucha, handmade goods, Haute Couture, Helen Berger, Herzegovinian, Highland Ave., Highland Ave. Los Angeles, Howard Griffin Gallery, IAA USA, IAA/AIAP, India Jones Chow Truck Indian, Interactive Art Project Booth, International Association of Art, International Contemporary Ensemble, Isabel Emrich, J. Paul Getty Museum, Jason Ostro, Jennifer, Jorge Sánchez Chiong, Juri Koll, Kaleidoscope Chamber Orchestra, Kaloust Guedel, Katharina Rosenberger, Kinney, Kio Griffith, Korduroy, Kristine Schomaker, KUBO, LA, LA Art Parties, la events, LAM gallery, Latin American Masters, launch party, Leba, lectures, Leslie Sacks Gallery, Lisa Derrick, live art, Live music, Live Painting Demonstration, local DJs, local vendors, Lois Lambert Gallery, Lora Schlesinger Gallery, Lora Schlesinger Gallery Works on paper, Los Angeles , Los AngelesFemale Figure Explored, Louie Waldo, Lula Flores, Lynn Hanson, M.A.R.S. Collective , M.A.R.S. FESTIVAL, Mandoline Grill, Marianne R. Klein, matinee performance, Matt Aston, Matter and Texture, Max Neutra, Mei Xian Qiu, Melanie Pullen, Melissa Chandon, Metro, Michael Baroff, Michael Delgado, Mike Street, Mirrored Imagination, Misfit and Ingo, modern, month, music, Music & Arts ReSound, mystical journey, Natacha Diels, Ned&Shiva Productions, networking events, New Zealand , NGO, Ofer, opening receptions, Original New York Seltzer, Osceola Refetoff, painter, paintings, panel discussion, Patti Quintero, Paul Martineau, Pearl C. Hsiung, performance, Performance/Visual Artists, Peter Fetterman Gallery, Phil Santos, Photo Independent , Photo Independent Fair, photographs, pillows, Pizza & Co Neapolitan Pizzas, Poor little hamsters, Power Up, Produce Haus, Revolver Gallery, Richard Heller Gallery, ROGER BALLEN, Root, ROSEGALLERY, Rouzanna Berberian, Saad Haddad, Salvatore SciarrinoAshley Fure, Sam Erenberg, Sandy Shimooka, Santa Monica , Santa Monica Auctions, Santa Monica Brew Works, SAUSAGE AND BEER FEST, Silent Disco Yoga, Simone Gad, Six Pools, Sjo Jewelry pop-up sale, sketches, Skidmore Contemporary Art , social, Sokamba Performing Arts Company, solo exhibitions, South Africa-based photographer, Soviet Armenia, special events, specialty cocktails, Spring Art Week LA, Stefan Prins, Stephanie Sydney, street art, tacos, Tanner Goldbeck, The Los Angeles Festival of Photography, the REEF, The Theatre of Apparitions, Thierry Noir, Thomas Sturm, Thumpasaurus, Thursday, Tiffany Trenda, TREATS, Tres Papalote Mezcal, UNESCO, Vanderpool, vendors, Venice Institute of Contemporary Art, ViCA, Victor Wilde Jay Mark Johnson, Vietnamese nachos, vip status, visual, Warhol, Wen Liu, William Turner Gallery, workshops, World Art Day, YogaWorks, YourDailyPhotograph.com, Yvette Gellis , Zadik Zadikian, Zadik Zadikian Product Studio|
Time for the Top Ten Art Parties taking place in April! Don't forget, we update our Additional Events Page each month between the 12-15. If you have some suggestions for our event selection, be sure to email us by the 2nd