2022-09-06T23:28:35+00:00By Kathy Leonardo|Categories: Past Events|Tags: AlexandraDillon, Art, artevents, artgallery, artist, artistReception, artists, artlovers, artparties, artparty, Arts, artsandentertainment, artshows, artwork, August2022events, bgGallery, California, candy, CarolMilne, CarolPowell, CindyChinn, Concrete, covid, DanLevin, DannyKaplan, exhibitions, found objects, galleries, Gallery, GaryRaymond, glass, JoellaMarch, LAArtParties, laartparty, light, losangeles, LosAngelesart, MeghanWillis, Metal, MichelleKingdom, monkeypox, OlgaSkorokhod, Omicron, OpeningReception, paint, painters, Painting, paper, shadow, sound, stephenAnderson, StevenRoberts, SuzanneWalsh, text, thread, TMGratkowski, toys, wood, YaYaChou|
bG Gallery presents “Outside The Box 3” - Artworks with unusual mediums. The gallery will host an opening reception on Saturday, August 13, 2022, from 6-9pm. Remember to check with the gallery for up-to-date covid protocols and guidelines - (proof of