Honor Fraser presents “Future Sensitive,” a solo exhibition of short films, soft sculptures, and kinetic installations by the filmmaker and body architect, Lucy McRae. An opening reception was held on Saturday, October, 1, 2022, and the exhibition will

Lucy McRae, DELICATE SPELLS OF MIND, 2022 Color digital video with sound
Lucy McRae’s genre bending, science fiction films and installations gesture to a speculative, not-so-distant future where advanced genetic engineering will enable humans to be grown in laboratories outside of the womb. The exhibition spotlights McRae’s dynamic capacity for world-building, and brings together a selection of her recent projects to ask how future technologies of design will fundamentally alter entrenched notions of human intimacy, reproduction, spirituality, and wellness. Can our technologies be more than a quick fix, and instead help us find strength in our imperfections? Can sensitivity be a guiding principle as we dream about the future? Future Sensitive cultivates these questions and asks us to trust in the unknown as we pioneer new aesthetics, new stories, and new ways of being together in the world.
On view: October 1, 2022 – December 17, 2022
What: “Future Sensitive,” Lucy McRae
Where: Honor Fraser, 2622 S. La Cienega Blvd., LA, 90034
Website: https://honorfraser.com/