2022-11-09T01:18:58+00:00By Kathy Leonardo|Categories: Past Events|Tags: 2016 the Venice Garden & Home Tour, Adam Berg, Amanda Beech, Anthony Friedkin, Art in the Afternoon Benefit, Art sale, Art Talks, Artist corner gallery, Artists include: Aaron Brown, Baiza, Ben Buswell, Bergamot Station, Betsy Enzensberger, Betzi Stein, Boris Bezroukov, Brian Christopherson, Brooks Salzwedel, Cassia Lupo, Christiane Shillito, Culver City, Dani Tull, Daniel Rolnik Gallery, Deborah Oliver, Dino Dinco, Dirty Dancing, Donna Dyson, Dysoona city art gallery, Eat See Hear, ebecca Molayem Gallery, Ed Johnson, Edward Cella, Eric Minh Swenson, Fables of the Eleven Rooms and Six Houses, FEMINISM 4.0, G Hannelius, Giant Robot, Guy Bennett, In the Blink of an Eye, Jane Szabo, Janine Brown, Jeff Johnson, Jenny Eisenpresserr, Jeremy Gilbert, John Kilduff, Julika Lackner, Kandy Lozano, Kent Anderson Butler, Kentucky Derby, Kio Griffith, LAAA, LACE, late Steven Shortridge’s stunning architecture, Laura Grissom, Laurie Steelink, Leica Gallery Los Angeles, Live music, Los Angeles , Lot 613, Lun*na Menoh, Maggie Chiang, Mara Zaslove , Marina Del Rey, Marina Del Rey Peninsula, Marissa Denise, Mark Sheinkman, Mary McGill, May 7, Michael Hayden, Mika Nitta, mim Gallery, MOAH, Natasa Prosenc Stearns, Neighborhood Youth Association, OUTSIDE, Painting, Pancakes and Booze Art Show, Pat Gainor, Peter Frank, Peter Lunenfeld, Peter Opheim, pop up, Rachel Ritchford, Ralph Gorodetsky, Raul Dominguez Paniagua, Rebecca Campbell, Rebecca Molayem, Regine Legler, retrospective, S. P. Harper, Sage Gallon, Samuel Freeman, Sandra Lauterbach, Santa Monica , Sara Sheridan, Saturday, Sean Meredith, St. Joseph Center, Stasia Burrington, Steve Shoffner, Stuart Swezey, Susie Ghahreman, Suzanne Budd, TAG Gallery, The Depressed Cake shop, Thinh Nguyen, This Saturday, Through the Woods, Tom Allen, Tom Patchett, Track 16, Unconditional Love, Urban Noise, Venice , Venice Garden and Home, Venice Skills Center, Von Lintel Gallery, West Elm, West Hollywood , What feminist art looks like now, Zevitas Marcus Gallery|
The Depressed Cake Shop Pop Up returns the Santa Monica. The event will benefit the St. Joseph Center in Venice. The Depressed Cake Shop's pop-up will sell gray cakes to raise money and awareness for mental health issues; this deliciously fashionable one-time