Sun 8.11 SummerSocialIn Hollywood…

PROJECT Gallery hosts a daytime summer social featuring the art of LA Muralist CANTSTOPGOODBOY.

A family friendly day that includes snocones, a jewelry trunk show, kids art table, nail art and sunglasses.

What:  Opening reception
Where: PROJECT Gallery, 1553 N. Cahuenga Blvd., Hollywood, 90028
When: Noon to 5:00 pm
Phone:  323-462-1100

Culver City…

WordisArtLogowindowJoraThe Word is Art Gallery hosts an early soiree for Rox Stones N Beads at 4:00 pm.

Come celebrate as ROX STONES n BEADS reveals their newest line ofhand-made jewelry and the launch of Rox Stones N Beads at the gallery. On display in the front gallery windows!

FreeWordisArt RoxStonesbeadsrevealed admission and Street parking*

There will be light libations & snacks provided.

What: Opening reception
Where: The Word is ART Gallery, 9349 Venice Blvd. Culver City 90232
When: 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Phone: 310.558.0856

How bout some FREE Jazz????

In Santa Monica….

If you have not checked out our Upcoming Events Page…we have a bunch of FREE outdoor summer concert series listed….all over LA. Come on kids, take advantage of all these free concerts before the summer’s over.

Sun 8.11 JazzonLawn ElliotcaineSanta Monica Cultural Affairs presents the 8th annual Jazz on the Lawn summer concert series. Bring a picnic, blanket, beach chair, and family and friends of all ages for a sampling of free jazz each Sunday in August.

Today The Elliot Caine Quintet will be performing. The music of this band is listed as being…”Hard bop meets Afro-Cuban jazz.”  Ooh sounds fun!

What: Jazz on the Lawn
Where: Stewart Street Park, 1836 Stewart St., Santa Monica, CA 90404
When: 5-7pm

Enjoy the weekend….get out and get yourself some culture….it’s FREE!!!