Happy Labor Day to all you hard working laborers. This is especially important Labor Day. We need to honor our healthcare workers, first responders, grocery workers, farmers, delivery drivers, janitors and sanitation crews that are out there, putting their own health at risk during this pandemic.
The LAArtParty staff want to express our appreciation for you and your dedication to your job. Please keep your guard up and remain safe…you are in our prayers.
I hope everyone has a chance to take off some time and spend it with their immediate family. Remember it’s safer to stay within your own household. Plan a barbecue, a fun meal and cocktails.
If you do venture out always wear a mask and remember to social distance. Life is precious, so let’s all take all the necessary steps stay healthy.
Remember this too shall pass…I am looking forward to getting back to attending art parties and events – I miss seeing you all out there!