The Beverly Hills artSHOW, is celebrating its 45th year. The show is held in the historic Beverly Gardens, at the City’s center, along four park blocks of Santa Monica Boulevard. The FREE event brings 250 artists from all over Southern California, the Southwest and the rest of the United States. The event has attracted over 40,000 visitors from all over the country and other parts of the world, including Europe, Canada, along with Middle and Far Eastern countries.
The show’s special feature, Sublime Perspectives, highlights artists who depict vast and dramatic spaces, including natural and urban vistas.

A few of these featured artists include: Chris Blunkell, from England, who paints the untrammeled hills of Palm Springs and Coachella Valley with acrylic and charcoal. Oil painter Patrick Dennis of Cambria renders a seemingly infinite connection between the sea and land of the central California coast, and Carol Steinberg, a California artist, displays an intense, personal form of Impressionism in her Yosemite Park series. Acrylic painter Donald Archer pulls apart and throws together views from California highways, as though a technicolor earthquake had just left its mark.

Other artists, less influenced by California nature, and more by contemporary spaces, include underwater photographer Mallory Morrison, large-scale photographer Karchi Perlmann, who recently created an exuberant multi-exposure series called Discombobulated, Ivano Stocco, mixed media painter of Los Angeles’ long alleys and streets, and Marshall Vanderhoof, photographer of dramatic and occasionally noir Southern California cityscapes.
All 250 participating artists will exhibit and sell their work, giving attendees a special opportunity to acquire limited editions and newly released pieces. In addition to fine art and specially featured work, guests can enjoy live ambient music, children and family art projects, popular food fare and food trucks, a Wine & Dine Garden, and a Beer & Small Bites Garden at this free, fun event. As always, a few demonstrating artists will show the public how art gets done! Convenient, inexpensive parking is located directly across from the show grounds.

The 2018 artSHOW sponsors and media partners include: Lincoln, Engel & Volkers, Kevita, Blank Espresso, the LA Weekly, the Los Angeles Art Association, Fabrik Magazine, LA Art Party, Yelp, and the Beverly Hills Conference and Visitor’s Bureau. Food and Beverage support come from Premiere Events, Stella Artois, and Hint Water. The show’s charitable partner is Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, and its sister organization, Healing Art with Kids.

What: The Beverly Hills artSHOW
Where: Beverly Gardens, at the City’s center, along four park blocks of Santa Monica Boulevard
When: Saturday and Sunday, May 19 & 20, 2018; 10am – 6pm;
Phone: 310) 285-6830