Head out of town…this weekend. JTAG Art Gallery in Joshua Tree, CA will be hosting a talk, “A Glance in the Mirror” Artists and the Art Community, by Robert Brasier, an esteemed artist and educator at the Palm Springs Art Museum.

“A GlMarch23 JTAGArtTalkance in the Mirror” is a dialogue with the audience about artistic tradition and the immediacy of the here and now within the creative process.

Robert Brasier on “A Glance in the Mirror”
“We all fit into a community of artists in some way. For some it is about a part of the big picture, the long tradition of creative activity. For others it is about the immediate time and place. In truth we are all part of both”.

Join JTAG for this fascinating exploration.

Space is limited. Please email ASAP info@joshuatreeartgallery.com if you’d like to attend.

Iflowres JTAG RENTALs you would like to spend the weekend in Joshua Tree and are interested in finding out where to stay, JTAG can offer some great suggestions as well as the Johsua Tree Highlands Houses.

Feel free to contact the gallery,  info@joshuatreeartgallery.com.

What: Reception
Where: Joshua Tree Art Gallery, 61607 29 Palms Hwy, Joshua Tree, CA 92552
When: 6:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Phone: 760 366 3636
Website: http://www.joshuatreeartgallery.com

Or stay in town and head to Santa Monica….WU Arena1 CARTEL presentacion Los Angeles

Arena 1 Gallery and The Center for the Study of Political Graphics invite you to a conversation and book signing of La Gráfica Política en México / Political Graphics in Mexico.

Meet the authors: Rocío Mejía Flores, Mexican feminist and leftist economist, and Victor Soler Claudín, editor and graphic designer.

This visually exciting book examines the posters and movements of the left in Mexico from 1935 through 2006, including diverse political parties and unions.

What: Book signing
Where: Santa Monica Art Studios, 3026 Airport Avenue, Santa Monica 90405
When: 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

BergamotStationlogo copy Take in the view at Bergamot Station…(where the Pick of the Week takes place….at the Peter Fetterman Gallery.

The Santa Monica Museum of Art hosts an art talk with writer Peter Clothier. ThisSat March23 SMMoA One-Hour One-Painting The-Grotto-v2 internationally known writer avoids the jargon that so many LA Art writers appear to revel in.   
Enjoy the uncommon luxury of exploring a single artwork—Miriam Wosk’s The Grotto—for one full hour. A rich experience for the eyes and mind, “One Hour/One Painting” trains visitors in a method of meditative, concentrated looking developed by art educator Peter Clothier. Clothier leads the group with brief instructions throughout.

What: Art Talk
Where: SMMoA (B-4) Bergamot Station 2525 Michigan Ave. Santa Monica, 90404
When: 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Phone: 310.586.6488
Website: http://smmoa.org/

Rose Gallery (G-5) hosts an opening reception from 6-8pm http://www.rosegallery.net/

AlsSat March20 Copro HeidiTailifer silenceisgoldeno a bit later….at Copro Gallery

Heidi Taillifer’s “Land of the Blind” opens with an tonight with an artist reception.

Heidi has done many commercial projects with companies like Infiniti, Cirque du Soleil, & Musical group Coheed and Cambria. Land of the Blind will feature new and unique sculptural works centered around the theme of Eros and original oil paintings.

Futurology, a group exhibition will also be on view.

On view: March 23rd – April 13th

What: Opening Reception
Where: Copro Gallery (T-5), Bergamot Station, 2525 Michigan Ave, Santa Monica
When:  8:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Phone: 310.829.2156
Website: http://www.copronason.com/

Also in Santa Monica….

KaySat March23 KayneGriffinCorcoranne Griffin Corcoran presents “I’m so wild about your strawberry mouth,” Aïda Ruilova’s first gallery exhibition in Los Angeles.

The exhibition will premier a new video work with the film director Abel Ferrara as its subject, a series of drawings executed on movie posters from the erotic Emmanuelle films, as well as her first sculptural work to date.

On view: March 23 – May 4, 2013

What: Opening reception
Where: Kayne Griffin Corcoran, 2902 Nebraska Ave., Santa Monica, 90404
When: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Phone: 310.586.6886
Website: http://www.kaynegriffincorcoran.com/

One more for you in Santa Monica….Gallery KM, 2903 Santa Monica Blvd has an opening from 6-8pm. http://www.gallerykmLA.com

In West Hollywood…

Sat March23 SuicideGirlsAt Meltdown Comics, SuicideGirls will be signing their hard cover photo book of tattooed pinup girls entitled “Hard Girls, Soft Light.”

Make sure to get to Meltdown early because the first 25 people to have a signed copy of “Hard Girls, Soft Light” and will receive a free yearlong membership to SuicideGirls.com.

After the book signing join local SuicideGirls as well as Brewin, Rigel and Radeo for an official after party at Verdugo Bar in Glassell Park. 

What: Book Signing and After Party
Where: Meltdown Comics: (signing), 7522 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90046

After party – Verdugo Bar: 9:30pm-2am(after party), 3408 Verdugo Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90065
When: 7:00-9:00pm book signing/ 9:00pm – ? after party
Phone: 323-667-9000
Website: event info

ISat March23 RedlingfineArtn Hollywood, just East of Highland…

Redling Fine Art hosts an artist reception for “Erlea Maneros Zabala: Past Work.”

On view: March 23rd – April 27th

What: Opening reception
Where: Redling Fine Art, 6757 Santa Monica Blvd., LA 90038
When: 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Phone: 323.230.7415
Website: http://www.redlingfineart.com/

In the Miracle Mile area…

Sat March23 1301PE ParrenoRabbits1301PE hosts a reception for “Philippe Parreno: Fade to Black.” The ghosts of Parreno’s past projects come back to haunt this new series of glow-in-the-dark posters that depict previously aborted works.

The posters must be exposed to light before the imprints become visible in the dark, gradually fading away only to reappear when re-exposed to light. The posters show quasi-objects – forms that do not exist on their own but depend upon the conditions of the exhibition to appear.

On view: March 23rd  – April 27th

What: Opening reception
Where: 1301PE, 6150 Wilshire Blvd., 90048
When: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Phone: 323 938-5822
Website: http://www.1301pe.com/

ACME presents a solo exhibition of new black and white photographs by Amir Zaki.

The exhibition will feature two series of photographs: trees that are isolated against an open sSat Mar20 Acme AmirZakiky and cropped so there is no ground, and steep cliff sides as seen from the beach along the Southern California coast.

See image: Amir Zaki, Coastline Cliffside #39,  2012, Framed Ultrachrome Archival Pigment Photograph with UV Coating, 40 x 48 inches

The work of Los Angeles artist Christopher Miles will also be celebrated tonight. The exhibition comprises three new sculptures made of paper layered and laminated with acrylic polymer and paint over aluminum armatures.

On view: March 23rd – April 27th

What: Opening reception
Where: Acme, 6150 Wilshire Blvd., LA
When: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Phone: 323-857-5942
Website: http://www.acmelosangeles.com

Or in Culver City…

WU MarkMoore VernonFisherMark Moore Gallery presents “The Long Road to Nowhere,” a solo exhibition of blackboard paintings by Vernon Fisher. Marking the tenth solo presentation of Fisher’s work with Mark Moore, this new body of work showcases some of the artist’s most iconic techniques from his nearly forty five-year career.

See image: Vernon Fisher, In the Islands,2012, oil and acrylic on canvas, 42 x 46 inches
“Tow Package,” a new exhibition by artist Debbie Long will be on view as well. The solo exhibition features sculpture and installation created out of found objects. Items such as cb radios, trailer hitches, and hood ornaments the artist gathers from the New Mexico desert. With the use of light and glass, Long transforms the debris to art.

On view: March 23rd – April 27th

What: Opening reception
Where: Mark Moore Gallery, 5790 Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232
When: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Phone: 310 453-3031
Website: http://www.markmooregallery.com

FSat March23 FreshPaint GlennFischerresh Paint Art holds an opening reception celebrating the work of twelve new artists.

Artists include Glenn Fischer, Trey Gossett, Jeanne Heifetz, Lisa Kairos, Sand T Kalloch, Brad Konick, Kenn Kotara, Ferdos Kakoie Maleki, Claudia Meyer, Trudy Montgomery, Harry Moody, Chen Yu.

On view: March 23rd – April 20th

What: Opening Reception
Where: Fresh Paint Art, 5835 Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232
When: 6:00pm- 9:00pm
Phone: 323-931-5835
Website: http://www.freshpaintart.com

WU SatMarch23 CarterCitizenAlso at Carter & Citizen, the work of David McDonald will be celebrated in an exhibition entitled “Everything is Broken.”

See image: David McDonald, Interbeing 3,  2013, wood, steel, plaster, wire, plexiglass, acrylic, 60 x 26 x 27 inches

What: Opening recpeption
When: Carter & Citizen, 2648 La Cienega Ave., (be aware that it is on La Cienega Ave.not Blvd) LA 90034
When: 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Phone: 213-359-2504
Website: http://www.carterandcitizen.com/

One more for you….which is always a great art party…

CorWU CoreyHelford ArtCollectorStarterKitey Helford Gallery presents a two-gallery group show featuring new 12″ x 12″ work from over 50 artists. Yes, CHG and CHG Circa join forces to present their largest group show of the season with “Art Collector Starter Kit”

Artists include: Alexandra Manukya, Amy Sol, Angry Woebots, Ashley Wood, Beau Stanton, Ben Frost and many more.

What: Opening reception
Where: Corey Helford Gallery, 8522 Washington Blvd., and CHG Circa, 8530 Washington Blvd., Culver City, 90232
When: 7:00 pm ‑10:00 pm
Phone: 310 287-2340
Website: www.coreyhelfordgallery.com

Also if you prefer to stay in Culver City….Take in some live music at Boulevard Music (4316 Sepulveda) with Steve Gillette and Cindy Mangsen at 8pm.  $15.00 cover  http://boulevardmusic.com/

OSat March23 PYOGallery KyleAugustLindr perhaps Downtown LA is the hood you’re planning on being in….

At Pyo Gallery LA…enjoy an opening reception for artist Kyle August Lind. 

A prominent figure of LA’s legendary 1960s Freak scene, Lind  will exhibit works that fuse the spiritual energy and liberation of the hippie movement.

What: Opening reception
Where: Pyo Gallery LA, 1100 S. Hope Street Suite 105, Los Angeles, CA 90015

When: 6:00 Pm to 8:00 pm
Phone: 213 405 1488
Website: www.pyogalleryla.com