As you can imagine, we have had many cancellations for gallery openings. If you would like to visit galleries at Bergamot Station, be sure to CALL prior to visiting. Skidmore Contemporary Art is open by appointment ONLY – We encourage you to enjoy a virtual art Party – CLICK HERE for more info. Call the gallery at 310-828-5070.
Latin America Masters (E-2) features the art of Arnaldo Roche. The gallery is expansive, so there is room for social distancing.

Arnaldo Roche, Mi Reflejo de Ti, 2017, oil on canvas, 36 x 48 inches
Arnaldo Roche (b. Puerto Rico, 1955-2018 ), was one of the most important Latin American artists of his generation. Latin American Masters exhibited Roche’s paintings for two decades. Homage features sixteen of Roche’s paintings and celebrates the legacy of this gifted artist. CALL prior to visiting – (310) 829-4455; On view thru May 2, 2020;
Lois Lambert(E-3) features“Into Pieces” by Chris Fraticelli is an exhibition of sculptures that have transformed the endless supply of decorative mass produced ceramics into metaphorical mosaic sculptures commenting on contemporary society.
“Color Dialogues” by Sebastian Boni is an exhibition of chromatic light boxes focusing on the visual and emotional relationship between the source of illumination and space. CALL prior to heading to the gallery – 310.829.6990; On view thru May 9, 2020;