Saturday, May 30, 2015
2015-05-28T03:55:16+00:00By Kathy Leonardo|Categories: Past Events|Tags: activities for kids, Affair of the Arts, Alex Schaefer, Allois, Alsion Dyer, Ann Chamberlin Vaiven, Anthony Ausgang, Antonia Hutt, Art and Fashion Pop Up, art talk, Arthur Giron, Artists Corner, Bergamot Station, Bess Frelinghuysen Ratliff, BG Gallery, Bob Branaman, Bob Moskowitz, Bruce Lurie Gallery, Carmen Schmid, CB1 Gallery, ceramicists, Charley Gallay, CHRISTINA FORRER, Colby Murray, Constance Mallinson, Copro Gallery, Courtney Reid, Curator, Dan Busta, Dan Olek, Daniel Catalano, Daniel Gilbreath, Darren Saravis, Daryl Henderson, David Meltzer, Debora Guetta, deborah, DIANA GORDON, Diana Martin Lapeña, Dina Herrmann, dmitri hertz, drawings, dystopia, Ed Freeman, Edwin Baker III, ETEL ADNAN, Fathom Gallery, FIG Gallery, finest painters, Floating City, food trucks, Gallery 169, Gary Polonsky, Geoffrey Gersten, George Billis Gallery LA, George Joaquim, glass blowers, Gloria Delson Contemporary Gallery, Ground Space, Heather Gordon, Helmut Newton, Henry Miller, Hill Peppard, interactive exhibit, Jay Belloli, Jeff Weddell, jewelry artists, Joan Ransohoff, Joan Ransohoff and Tom Wheeler, Joanne Chase-Mattillo, Johnny Naked, Joseph Sprung, Joshua Elias, Juan Florentino, kal mansur, Karen Bystedt, kate levant, Kathy Cahill, Katie Crown, Koplin Del Rio, Lora Schlesinger Gallery, Malissa Feruzzi Shriver, Mara Zaslove, Marco Nasso, Maria Kolligian, Maria Ziffren, Marisa Leigh, Mark Ryden, Martin Eder, Matias Jaskari, Matthew Finley, Matthew Robertson, Meliksetian | Briggs, Melissa Cooke, Merion Estes, Michael Moon, Michele Castagnetti, Mike Spitz, mim Gallery, Mimi Lauter, Mitchell Rose and Federico Naef, My Life Matters, New Nude, Night Gallery, No Place Like Home, pastel, Paul Kauffman, Photographer Michael Wood, photographers, Postcards from the Field, Pyo Gallery LA, Renée Jacobs, Rhea Ashcraft, Robert Hickland, Robert Neil Cohen, Ronnie Ventura, rose marcus, Santa Monica Auctions, SAQ Robert Toll, SCOTT OLSON, sculptors, Shaun Berke, Simone Gad, Stephanie Vovas, Steve Diet Goedde, Structures and Strings, Stuart Marcus, Susan Feldman, TAG Gallery, Tanya Ragir, Teresa Flowers, Terry Thompson, The Whole 9, Tif Sigfrids, Timo Sarelma, Tom Wheeler, ULRICH WULFF, will to form, William Roy Eckert, wood workers|
In Culver City...start early...The 4th Affair of the Arts takes place on May 30 & 31 in Downtown Culver City. The two-day event will be held next to the Culver City Hotel (9300 Culver Blvd). Affair of the Arts features 60