Once again, in Montrose…

Low Res Kathy Leonardo Greg Gruz by Paulf22photo.comCountry Legends play for the second day at The Montrose Shopping Park’s “Centennial Celebration.” The event takes place across several blocks…..2200 – 2400 Honolulu Ave., Montrose, CA.

There are different stages….and today Sunday, we will be on a different stage…. Stage 2 Near corner of Wickham & Honolulu Ave., from noon to 3:00 pm.

What: Live Music
Where: “Centennial Celebration,” 2200 – 2400 Honolulu Ave., Montrose, CA.
When: 2:00pm – 6:00pm
Website: http://shopmontrose.com

In Silverlake…..

At Barsdall, enjoy an opening reception, for two exhibitions hosted by the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery Associates.

CurSun Feb24 LAMAGated By Sara L. Cannon, “Inner Journeys Outer Visions” include artists: Lynn Aldrich, Craig Keith Antrim, Adam Berg, John Frame, Bonita Helmer, Gilah Yelin Hirsch, Ruth Weisberg, and Patty Wickman.
“Che Mondo” features Ursula Brookbank, Joyce Campbell, Gerald Incandela, Marina Pinsky, Richard Ross, Christopher Russell, Julie Shafer, and Susan Silton. Che Mondo is curated By LAMAG Associates Guest Curator, Carole Ann Klonarides.
What: Opening Reception
Where: Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, Barnsdall, 4800 Hollywood Blvd., Los
Angeles, CA 90027
When: 2:00 – 5:00 pm
Phone: (323) 644-6269
Website: http://lamag.org

Sun Feb24 LaLuz MichOConnellAnother one in Silverlake…

La Luz de Jesus Gallery hosts a book release & signing party for “Mitch O’Connell, The World’s Best Artist.”

Mitch O’Connell will be on hand to sign his giant career spanning retrospective book of the illustrations.

What: Book release
Where: La Luz de Jesus Gallery, 4633 Hollywood Blvd., LA 90027
When:  3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Phone: 313 666-7667
Website: www.laluzdejesus.com

Or in downtown LA…

Perhaps you enjoy storytelling? No it’s not stand up comedy….though it is funny, It’s very much like theaterl but more of a one person show…each person stands and spurts out their own original monologue…some amusing, some hysterical, some bizarre.

You WU-SundayFeb24  LastBookstorenever know what you will get. But many of the performers for today’s show are very funny. I can attest to that. 

The Last Bookstore will host The LA Story Fix produced by Peter Coca and Jamie Virostko.

The event features the funniest storytellers in LA….It’s a fun get together that happens every 4th Sunday of the month.

This week’s storytellers include: Peter Coca, Jessica Abrams, Jonathan Menchin, Alex Stein, Jamie Virostko, Geral James and Music and spoken work with Clive Aden.

What: Performance
Where: The Last Book store, 453 Spring St. LA
When: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

There’s still time to catch the OSCARS….and you KNOW I’ll be doing that too. Enjoy the weekend and all the wonderful arts that Los Angeles has to offer!