Simchowitz presents three solo exhibitions at its downtown location featuring the work of Boramie Ann Sao, Girmachew Getnet, and Richard Gasper. The opening art party took place on  July 6, 2023, however, the exhibitions run through August 10, 2023.

Simchowitz Gallery

Boramie Ann Sao ‘Ode To…’

‘Ode To…’ is an exhibition of paintings and works on paper by the New Mexico-based artist, Boramie Ann Sao. The title could be defined as a lyric poem, or tribute, with a specific reference to place. Thus much of the work in the exhibition is directly inspired by New Mexico, where the artist moved in 2020. ‘Ode To…’ is Sao’s first solo exhibition in Los Angeles. Prior to that she exhibited at Revolt Gallery in Taos New Mexico in 2021.

Girmachew Getnet Alkebu-lan

Girmachew Getnet, born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, currently lives and works in Frankfurt, Germany. The title of his solo exhibition refers to the oldest recorded name for the African continent. Originally the name used by indigenous groups meant ‘The Garden of Eden’ or ‘The Mother of Mankind.’ But when used today, at least for Girmachew, it also suggests a sensibility or ethos; a way of seeing and believing. His figurative, atavistic paintings are often loaded with symbols and African references that are often deeply critical of Western influences.

Girmachew graduated from the Addis Ababa Fine Arts and Design School in 2001. Shortly thereafter he established the first art studio his hometown called the Habesha Art Studio. 

Richard Gasper Silt/Sap/Salt/Sass

Since 2008, artist Richard Gasper has worked with various forms of industrial design production, notably laser cutting, CNC cutting, lost wax casting and industrial spraying. His work has grown out of the field of ‘expanded painting’ and performance, which tended to focus on ideas of the gesture. However, in recent years his work spotlights ‘humanizing’ factory based/industrial processes and software.

Gasper has shown in numerous galleries throughout Europe and the US including: the Kinman Gallery (London), Johannes Vogt Gallery NYC, The National Gallery London (2019 and 2020), and The Folkestone Triannual (2017). He is also a lecturer at Kingston University (2013-2019), Central Saint Martin’s (2017-21), Tokyo University of the Arts (2018) and at The Slade School of Fine Art.

On view: July 6, 2023 – August 10, 2023

CLICK HERE for additional upcoming art exhibitions, and events.

Remember Simchowitz has 3 locations this is at the DTLA one.

What: New Exhibitions, Girmachew Getnet, Richard Gasper
Where: Simchowitz Gallery DTLA, 727 East Washington Blvd. LA, 90021
When: Running through August 10, 2023