In Venice….
LA Louver celebrates the work of Spanish artist Juan Uslé with an artist reception.
Uslé’s abstract paintings combine color, form and structure into rich compositions marked by transparency and complex surface entanglements.
On view: May 30th – July 6th
What: Opening Reception
Where: L.A. Louver, 45 North Venice Blvd. Venice 90291
When: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Phone: 310 822- 4955
Also in Venice…
Pop by the Talking Stick to see a special speakeasy featuring Dutch Newman and the Musical Melodians.
This early jazz band offers roaring vintage and original tunes. Special guest Rebecca Leigh.
BYO wine for $8 corkage
Admission $10
What: Performance
Where: The Talking Stick 1411c Lincoln Blvd. Venice 90291
When: 7:30 pm – 10:00pm
Phone: (310) 415-2095
In Century City..
Annenberg Space for Photography presents an artist talk with Nina Berman, a photographer, author and educator.
Berman is known for her work photographing wounded American veterans including her 2006 “Marine Wedding” image.
Presenting selections from work made since 9/11, she will explain her motivations and approaches to photographing war on the domestic front.
What: Artist Talk, IRIS Nights Lecture Series
Where: Annenberg Space for for Photography, 2000 Avenue of the Stars. #10 Century Plaza, LA 90067
When: 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Phone: 213.403.3000
Or in Silverlake…
La Luz de Jesus Gallery presents Fish Fry…featuring a dozen best selling and emerging authors share spoken word performances, including celebrity rehab survivors Jerry Stahl, Bob Forrest, and Tom Sizemore. Book signings throughout the night.
Parking: Street parking, meters, and pay lots nearby, local restaurants have valet available, too. Two blocks from Metro Station (Sunset/Vermont).
Admission: FREE
What: Performance
Where: La Luz de Jesus Gallery, 4633 Hollywood Blvd.
When: 8-11 PM
Phone: (323) 663-0122