Now lets not forget the Pick of the Week takes place at Bergamot Station (2525 Michigan Ave.) in Santa Monica. As always there are several other events taking place.
Stop into Fig Gallery for an opening reception for artist Mitsuko Namiki.
See image: Mitsuko Namiki “Yellow” 2012, oil on canvas, 48 x 72″
On view: January 2nd – February 2nd
What: Opening reception
Where: FIG Gallery, 2525 Michigan ave., G-6 Bergamot Station, Santa Monica, CA 90404
When: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Phone: (310) 829-0345
Website: www.figgallery.com
Frank Lloyd Gallery (B-5) hosts an opening from 5-7pm, http://www.franklloyd.com
Rosamund Felsen Gallery holds an opening reception for Patrick Nickell. The exhibition “Letting Go” is comprised of color saturated large tabletop sculptures in which Nickell loosens his tight hold on strict abstraction and allows his figurative tendencies to emerge.
On view: January 5th – February 2nd
What: Opening reception
Where: Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Bergamot Station, (B4) 2525 Michigan Ave. Santa Monica, CA 90404
When: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Phone: 310 828-8488
Website: http://www.rosamundfelsen.com/
In Culver City, The Word is ART Gallery is having an Artist Opening for international contemporary artist Lydia Parish.
Her vibrant, colorful abstract expressionist works of rich texture- many very large scale canvases, belong in private collections in many countries and have caused quite a stir among collectors. Parish exhibits both in the US and Internationally.
Refreshments will be served. Parking available behind the gallery and across the street in the printers lot.
What: Reception
Where: The Word is Art Gallery, 9349 Venice Blvd., Culver City, 90232
When: 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Phone: 310-558-08
Website: http://thewordisart.com/
Another opening will be taking place at the George Lawson Gallery.
Enjoy the recent paintings by Donald Martiny, as well as Lynda Benglis’ knotted wall pieces and Ellsworth Kelly’s shaped monochromes.
On view: January 4 – February 2, 2013
What: Opening Reception
Where: George Lawson Gallery, 8564 Washington Blvd., LA 90232
When: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Phone: 310.837.6900
Website: http://www.georgelawsongallery.com
Also in Culver City, Angles Gallery (2754 S. La Cienega Blvd.) holds an opening from 6-8pm http://www.anglesgallery.com/
In the Miracle Mile area…

Dysonna CIty Art Gallery holds an opening reception the first Saturday of every month. This month’s artist to be featured is Emmanuel Odamtten.
Experience a night of art and spoken word. Also a chance to win a prize form the artist himself. Wine and appetizers will be served.
On view: January 5th – January 31st
What: Opening
Where: Dysonna CIty Art Gallery, 5373 Wilshire Blvd., LA, 90036
When: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Phone: 323-857-0030
Website: http://dysonnacityartgallery.com/
A few more in the area…..
Edward Cella Art + Architecture holds an opening reception for Canadian artist Cathy Daley.
Daley creates black oil pastel drawings of billowing dresses and gestural silhouettes on vellum.
On view: January 5th – February 23rd
What: Opening reception
Where: Edward Cella Art + Architecture, 6018 Wilshire Blvd., LA 90036
When: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Phone: (323) 525-0053
Website: www.edwardcella.com
Steve Turner Contemporary presents two exhibitions, “Apples” and “1:1.”

“Apples” includes fifteen collaborative wall-mounted sculptures by Eben Goff and Rowan Wood.
“1:1” features new work by Theo Michael, Jon Rafman (see image), Travess Smalley and Kate Steciw, where all of the works were generated through the use of computer technology.
On view: January 5th – February 2nd
What: Opening reception
Where: Steve Turner Contemporary, 6026 Wilshire Blvd, just east of Fairfax, 90036
When: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Phone: 323 931-3721
Website: http://steveturnercontemporary.com
Also at Merry Karnowsky Gallery, enjoy a closing reception from 5-9pm with sangria and appetizers. http://mkgallery.com/
In West Hollywood….New Image Art presents “3 Cowboys, 2 Drugs and A Skater” a group show with participating artists, Christopher Cascio, Bryson Brooks and Holly Hein Brooks, Marc Cross, Chad Muska and Panda Sex.
See image by Holly Hein & Bryson Brooks
Bringing together three energetic groups of American youth culture; Western cowboys, The Drugs Crew and Skate boarding.
On view: January 5th – February 9th
What: Opening reception,
Where: New Image Art Gallery is located at 7920 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood 90046
When: 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Phone: 323 654 2192
Website: http://www.newimageartgallery.com
Another opening in West Hollywood takes place at Thomas Paul Fine Art (7270 Beverly Blvd.), from 6-9pm http://www.tpaulfineart.com
Or downtown….
L2kontemporary presents the fourth solo exhibition at the gallery from Belgian born Los Angeles based artist Simone Gad.
The opening reception for “Facades and Exploding Fu-Dogs” takes place 6-9pm.
See image: Simone Gad, “Fisherman’s Palace” 2012, acrylic on canvas.
On view: January 5 – February 9, 2013
What: Opening reception
Where: L2kontemporary Gallery, located at 990 N. Hill St , # 205 LA 90012
When: 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Phone: 626-319-3661
Website: http://www.l2kontemporary.com
Also downtown…The Hive Gallery (729 South Spring St.), holds an opening from 8-11:30 pm (Be aware there is a suggested donation of $5.00) http://hivegallery.com