NEW ART, NEW WOR(L)D had a successl opening, Friday June 20th at the Electric Lodge in Venice.
The event featured original designs by artist Angélique Glennon, creator of EcCeptical®, sculpture in the shape of jewelry, the show will also feature paintings, glass assemblages and more.
EcCeptical® (Say it: ek-sep-tee-call) is an unprecedented and growing collection of close to 40 sculpture series in the shape of jewelry. This body of work revolves around unusual materials, patterns of themes, life incidents… and first impressions. EcCeptical® can be displayed on a stand, mannequin or model and enjoyed for a lifetime. It can also be lightly worn. The result of this art work is complex but whimsical. Angélique Glennon
creates temporal aesthetic emotion with her art.
EcCeptical® divides into 2 main branches: The Wearables Collection™ (the ones that can be lightly worn) and The Frameables Collection™ (the ones that have to be framed — with the reservation that they can be worn for a photo shoot or the time of a song for a singer…).
The Wearables Collection™ was created with the premise that once we remove the function attached to a material, we are left with a material that can be used for art. Very much like separating “sand” from “beach.”
Hence The Frameables Collection™ features the use of themes. Often unusual yet entertaining design themes are chosen for the jewelry such as “going to the beach” and the theme of “beach” is used to make the art.
Angélique talks about her work, “I challenge myself by creating something new each time. The aesthetic, theme or material medium is unique in every series. The artistic skill needed for each one requires from me to create imaginative, daring and bold solutions. The artistic medium is not always cooperative.”
She continues, “My artistic goal is to create an even more prolific and eclectic series of sculptures, demonstrating the limitless possibilities of the creative impulse.”
In addition, Angélique Glennon will showcase her brilliant era-based paintings, ranging from the years 1986-2012. Also on view will be glass assemblages and videos of EcCeptical®, along with a live performance (of 3 songs) by singer, Angela Eren.
The Electric Lodge was founded in 1940 and is a platform for artists and environmentalists using visual and performing arts to bring awareness to a sustainable worldwide eco-system. A portion of proceeds the sale of the artwork will go to the Electric Lodge.
Though, the opening reception has now passed, stop in to see original art by artist Angélique Glennon at the Electric Lodge located at 1416 Electric Ave in Venice, 90291. The paintings will remain on display through August 26th.