WU SMMoA MichaelQueenlandSanta Monica Museum of Art holds an opening reception for artists Agnes Denes, Kianja Strobert, Michael Queenland.

Rudy’s Ramp of Remainders (see image right) is a new sculptural installation by conceptual artist Michael Queenland. Rudy’s Ramp of Remainders was inspired by Rudis Resterampe—which roughly translates to “Rudy’s Pile of Leftovers”—a German discount store filled with surplus scraps of textile and discarded cultural items that Queenland discovered during his 2009 fellowship at the American Academy in Berlin. Queenland’s installation transforms various materials into “ramps”—loosely grouped remainders and offcuts of objects. These “ramps” reveal how commonplace material and cultural items are reshaped and redefined through Queenland’s artistic intervention.

WU 9.14 SMMoA KianjaStrobertianja Strobert: Nothing to Do but Keep Going, (see image left) the artist’s first solo museum exhibition, features a new, site-specific sculptural installation and a selection of recent abstract paintings that emphasize the influence of urban architecture on Strobert’s work.

Agnes Denes: Body Prints, Philosophical Drawings, and Map Projections, 1969 – 1978 is an exhibition of seminal drawings by Land artist Agnes Denes.

September 15th – December 22nd

What: Openings, Agnes Denes, Kianja Strobert, Michael Queenland
Where: SMMoA (B-4) Bergamot Station 2525 Michigan Ave. Santa Monica, 90404
When: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm (6-7 for members)
Phone: 310.586.6488
Website: http://smmoa.org/

In West LA…Concrete Walls Projects and JAUS present, Case Study Los Angeles II: On the Perimeter, the second installment of an ongoing curatorial 9.14 JAUS case studyexamination of different modes of study in Los Angeles.

This localized gathering within the sprawl of Los Angeles is a study of the virtual and physical landscape and its social and cultural behaviors, along with the archaeological unveiling of taboo ideas exposing the outer rim. Nine artists show new work investigating the idea of the perimeter, by making art in the heart of LA. 

Artists include: John Burtle, Derric Eady, Janice Gomez, Nathan Huff, Kyle Riedel, Maria Ruvalcaba, Yoshie Sakai, Nicolas Shake, and Jonathan Takahashi

What: Opening reception, Case Study Los Angeles II: On the Perimeter
Where: Jaus, 11851 La Grange Ave., LA 90025
When: 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm
Phone: 424.248.0781
Website: www.jausart.com

ThomasDuncan StevenBaldiOr in West Hollywood….

Thomas Duncan Gallery offers a solo exhibition of new work by Steven Baldi.

The artist will be showing ten paintings and a set of sculptures that will be reconfigured each week throughout the duration of the exhibition.

On view: September 14th – October 20th

What: Opening reception, Steven Baldi
Where: Thomas Duncan Gallery, 6109 Melrose Ave., LA 90028
When: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Phone: 310 494 1177
Website: http://thomasduncangallery.com/