r d f a celebrated Constance Mallinson on Saturday, September 23, 2023. Small Works and Still Lifes in Landscapes will run through October 28, 2023.
r d f a Constance Mallinson
In her first solo exhibition since the acclaimed “Unmade” in 2017, Mallinson known for her epic scaled paintings of life sized accumulations of post-consumer found objects, changes course in a new series of small scaled but equally impactful paintings, some no larger than 6” square.Working on a small scale rather than the epic scale so favored in contemporary art, the artworks will have a greater accessibility with opportunities for a more intimate interaction –more akin to devotional objects – in which to contemplate the themes the artist engages.
The exhibition features a diverse group of small works composed from natural and manufactured detritus Mallinson has collected from the streets on her daily walks through her neighborhood and appropriated photographic landscapes. Furthering Mallinson’s interests in formal painterly inventiveness–evidenced by the constant play between abstraction and figuration –and the climate change crisis, a fantastical assortment of post-consumer items are deftly layered with depictions of endangered landscapes such as melting glaciers, Amazonian rainforest and its creatures, and coral reefs, to create landscape/ still life hybrids.
On view: September 23, 2023 – Saturday October 28, 2023
What: New Exhibitions, Constance Mallinson
Where: r d f a, 3209 W. Washington Blvd., Los Angles, CA 90018
When: Running through October 28, 2023
Website: https://www.rorydevinefineart.com/
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