Pace Gallery presents Space Between the Lines co-curated by Alicja Kwade and Arne Glimcher. An opening art party took place on May 18,2024. However, the show runs thru June 29, 2024.

Pace Gallery

Alicja Kwade & Agnes Martin

The two person exhibition features sculptures by Kwade in dialogue with a selection of paintings and works on paper by Agnes Martin. This will be Kwade’s first significant presentation of new work in Los Angeles and her first major exhibition with the gallery since joining in 2023.

About Alicja Kwade

Kwade is known internationally for sculptures, large-scale public installations, films, photographs, as well as works on paper. The artist’s works engage poetically and critically with scientific and philosophical concepts. Kwade raises questions about structures and systems that govern and shape our daily lives. In her contemplative works, she challenges commonly accepted ideas and beliefs while proposing new modes of seeing and understanding reality.

The result of a longstanding conversation that Kwade has undertaken with Glimcher around the work of Agnes Martin, who was a close friend of Glimcher and whom he has represented since 1974, the exhibition at Pace’s LA gallery centers on the affinities and intersections between Kwade’s artistic concerns and those of Martin. Although separated by generations, several threads run through both artists’ practices—in particular, their focus on time and temporality as an organizing principle of perceptual experience.

Moreover, these artists also share a fascination with the relationship between truth and beauty. Martin sought to express a transcendental quietude and purity through painting. Kwade’s work is often grounded by a conceptual armature. For both artists, ordered, mathematical systems, often expressed through their use of line, are integral to their approaches to artmaking.

Alicja Kwade

Alicja Kwade, Der Tag ohne Gestern (Dimension 1-11), 2009 © Alicja Kwade. Photo by Roman März.

The Exhibition

Two new large-scaled sculptures by Kwade—which are related to her ParaPivot series—will anchor the exhibition. Distorted Dream (2024) and Distorted Day (2024) are the name of two prominent works. These carved stone orbs appear to float within a framework of polished steel plates and powder-coated steel frames. These intersect at oblique angles. Reflecting her interest in ancient astronomy, Kwade’s ParaPivot sculptures suggest imagined solar systems realized in miniature. Steel supports chart the orbital pathways of planetary bodies. Additionally, the artist’s large-scale Jo’s snow (2023) sculptures consist of sculpted marble forms can be found in the gallery’s courtyard. These sculptures installed across the grassy outdoor space resemble piles of partially melted snow.

Pace’s exhibition in LA coincides with Kwade’s solo presentation at the Voorlinden Museum in the Netherlands, running through June 9. Other presentations include the 2022 edition of Desert X AlUla in Saudi Arabia and the 57th Venice Biennale, Viva Arte Viva, in 2017.

On view: May 18, 2024 – June 29, 2024

What Space Between the Lines, Alicja Kwade & Agnes Martin
Where: Pace Gallery, 1201 South La Brea Avenue, LA
When: Running thru June 29, 2024

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